Frontend Developer
I use HTML, Cascading Style Sheets for designing websites and JS to create a dynamic and interactive web page to interact with visitors and execute complex actions.As a framework I've prefer Bootstrap.I've some knowlegde about SQL Database- Structured Query Language. Now days I'm exploring new technologies such as AI like chatGPT.
Read MoreI have a lot of interest in Programing. Till now I learned few programing languages such as C and python, and I've some basic knowlegde in Data Sturcture and Alogrithm. I'm using C programing langauage for learning DSA.I wanna express that I've some problem solving skills, through leetcode, HackerRank I tried to solve problems.
Read MoreI love to design various websites, web clones. Suddenly I created the clone of Amazon Websites, Netflix home page, Minthra's Clone etc and that increases my creativity. Few projects has been created my me, but for making those projects I required the help of my batch mates, so as a Team we work together to make it complete.
Read MoreElectronics and Communication Engineering
sep 2022-26
Current CGPA- 8.3
Stream: Science
Duration: 2015-22
Marks Obtain: Class X: 89% | Class XI: 92.4%