


" Hi there, welcome to my website! I'm Shribas Kundu, a passionate Front-end web developer who enjoys learning new technologies and solving problems with code! "

Driven by a blend of creativity and precision, I specialize in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I believe in the power of clean code and pixel-perfect design, and my goal is to elevate the digital landscape with intuitive and engaging web applications.
Explore my portfolio to witness the fusion of design and functionality, and let's collaborate to bring your digital vision to life. Looking forward to connecting and exploring the possibilities together!
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Web Development

I use HTML, Cascading Style Sheets for designing websites and JS to create a dynamic and interactive web page to interact with visitors and execute complex actions.As a framework I've prefer Bootstrap.I've some knowlegde about SQL Database- Structured Query Language. Now days I'm exploring new technologies such as AI like chatGPT.

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Programing Enthusiasm

I have a lot of interest in Programing. Till now I learned few programing languages such as C and python, and I've some basic knowlegde in Data Sturcture and Alogrithm. I'm using C programing langauage for learning DSA.I wanna express that I've some problem solving skills, through leetcode, HackerRank I tried to solve problems.

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Soft skills/ Non-technical Skills

I love to design various websites, web clones. Suddenly I created the clone of Amazon Websites, Netflix home page, Minthra's Clone etc and that increases my creativity. Few projects has been created my me, but for making those projects I required the help of my batch mates, so as a Team we work together to make it complete.

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Asansol Engineering College

Electronics and Communication Engineering

sep 2022-26

Current CGPA- 8.3

Subhas Pally Bidyaniketan(HS)

Stream: Science

Duration: 2015-22

Marks Obtain: Class X: 89% | Class XI: 92.4%



Netflix Website

It's a clone of official Netflix website. It has been created using HTML CSS and some JS.

Amazon Website

It's a clone of official Amazon website. It has been created using HTML and CSS.

Spotify Website

It's a clone of spotify website. It has been created using HTML CSS and JS.

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